[Opensim-users] Crash on collision

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Wed Jan 4 23:07:34 UTC 2012

What happens if you set physical_prim = false in [Startup] with no avatars?  As this prevents prims temporarily being 
physical then there will be no colliding active at all and nothing should crash.  If it still does then something more 
bizarre is going on.

On 04/01/12 23:04, Klaus-E. Klingner wrote:
> Done. Without success :( Same result. This time even without an avatar online. It crashed shortly after the world started.
> Regards
> Klaus
> Von meinem iPad gesendet
> Am 04.01.2012 um 23:20 schrieb "M.E. Verhagen"<marceled9 at gmail.com>:
>> I also changed the ulimit settings in the limits.conf file in /etc/security/limits.conf
>> Changing the ulimit with the ulimit -s 212144 does not seem to be persistent, it gets setted back.
>> The values I entered are:
>> *     hard   stack      524288
>> *     soft    stack      524288
>> *     soft    nofile       2048
>> *     hard    nofile       2048
>> *     soft     memlock   256
>> *     hard    memlock   256
>> The settings get effective after a reboot.
>> As a bonus OpenSim uses a thirth less memory !
>> You can  try experimenting with these values, you should be carefull though these settings (just like the sysctl -a) can reduce crashes, increase system speed and reduce memory usage, but false settings can also also cause system unresponsiveness and system crashes.
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Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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