[Opensim-users] Crash on collision

Klaus-E. Klingner klingner at silverday.de
Wed Jan 4 23:04:58 UTC 2012

Done. Without success :( Same result. This time even without an avatar online. It crashed shortly after the world started.



Von meinem iPad gesendet

Am 04.01.2012 um 23:20 schrieb "M.E. Verhagen" <marceled9 at gmail.com>:

> I also changed the ulimit settings in the limits.conf file in /etc/security/limits.conf
> Changing the ulimit with the ulimit -s 212144 does not seem to be persistent, it gets setted back.
> The values I entered are:
> *     hard   stack      524288
> *     soft    stack      524288
> *     soft    nofile       2048
> *     hard    nofile       2048
> *     soft     memlock   256
> *     hard    memlock   256
> The settings get effective after a reboot.
> As a bonus OpenSim uses a thirth less memory !
> You can  try experimenting with these values, you should be carefull though these settings (just like the sysctl -a) can reduce crashes, increase system speed and reduce memory usage, but false settings can also also cause system unresponsiveness and system crashes. 
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