[Opensim-users] Example scriipt for Windlight wrong?

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Fri Dec 28 02:51:18 UTC 2012

It would seem something isn't right about en example script found on : 

I think I have the correct permissions set, because the 
lsSetWindlightScene <http://opensimulator.org/wiki/LsSetWindlightScene> 
script works fine.  I wanted to use the lsGetWindlightScene command, to 
use a water color, I selected in the client's windlight settings and 
share with other.  Using this command should show me what to place in my 
scripted item to set the windlight setting number for to get the same 
color.  Eventually to create a small weather system using windlight for 
cloudyness and more.  It seems this example won't compile.  Any Ideas 
why not?

list  rules_to_get =[  WL_WATER_COLOR];
list  settings;
   default  {
     state_entry()  {
       settings =[[lsGetWindlightScene]](rules_to_get);
       llOwnerSay("Water color is:"+llList2String(settings,1));

thanks for your time.

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