[Opensim-users] OpenSim:Future Release Discussion

InuYasha Meiji inuyasha.meiji at gmail.com
Thu Dec 6 09:30:45 UTC 2012

I stumbled on this page, and it got me thinking.  It is most likely old 
as time, but is there a place that the owners of Grids or Regions can 
vote or comment on these projects?  I know it is a long way yet.  I want 
to vote for the :

    Client Side Weather System

A client side based weather system would be a breath of fresh air to 
those who enjoy more realism (Graphically). An overall Grid Weather 
System could also be created, so that different parts of the grid will 
be experiencing different forms of weather e.g 4+ Regions more to the 
north of the Grid would be in the midst of a blizzard whilst several 
sims further to the south are enjoying clear blue skys, but with an 
onset of rain on the way. A Server could be set up in order to simulate 
the overall GWS (Grid Weather System) and would shout to each region to 
simulate a specified weather type. All the Client has to do is pick up 
on the Information being sent to the region from the GWS and simulate it 
on-screen for it's users. Obviously this feature can be turned on and 
off at will, but it would be nice to not have to set up a particle 
weather system that cause's more lag than necessary. - Darakon Kayvon

(Me again):  I think this may be one of the more easy things to do. 
Using wind light setting for the effects, The blizzard setting is great 
for both blizzard conditions as well as heavy rain and storms.  The fog 
seting are there too.  Windlight would  play a great role in this.  It 
would be nice to atach it to a real life weather forecast somehow, like 
a google weather check that you can set in the weather system settings.

At this time the way SL allows you to check the weather in a sim, don't 
semto work here in opensim.  The weather is always the same. This short 
section set hover text to tell me how cloudy it is in SL, but always 
stays clear in opensim.  I hope someday this works too.

     // CLOUDS
     STRmessage = STRmessage +"\n";
     float FLTcloud = llCloud(<0,0,0>);
     string STRcloud = (string)FLTcloud;
     STRcloud = llDeleteSubString(STRcloud, 4, 9);
     //(clear, cloudy, very_cloudy, raining
     if (FLTcloud > 1) {
         STRmessage = STRmessage + "'Raining'";
     } else if (FLTcloud > .66) {
         STRmessage = STRmessage + "Very Cloudy";
     } else if (FLTcloud > .33) {
         STRmessage = STRmessage + "Cloudy";
     } else {
         STRmessage = STRmessage + "Clear";
     STRmessage = STRmessage + " (" + STRcloud + ")";

     // -----
     STRmessage = STRmessage +"\n";
     STRmessage = STRmessage + "-----";

hehe, can't wait for future opensim, it will be great.

your friend,

Opensim User: In Gridmode  on Version 0.7.4. Nine Instances with 56 Regions. on Windows 7, 64-bit. Phenom 9500 2.2 GHz Quad Core, Terabyte Hard Drive, 8gig DDR2 RAM.  Used XAMPP to load PHP Version 5.3.0, Apache
and MySQL 5.1.41-community edition.  Groups, Profiles, Vivox Voice and
Offline Messages all working. (Not yet Public, 6 users allowed Now).

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