[Opensim-users] Setting up OpenSim 7.0.2 Problems

Tokeiito tokeiito at gmail.com
Sun Jan 2 22:32:15 UTC 2011

The more i read the more it looks like loopback problem. Maybe worth
to try: http://help.newworldgrid.com/lang/en/loopback-adapter-on-windows-xp


Tokeiito Imako

Second Life and OSGrid

On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 11:19 PM,  <thepierces-rwpt at charter.net> wrote:
> Yes, I can see the child agents correctly. I have validated this against my
> log files (external user not on at time of this posting).
> I have no "red herrings" (as I interpret your thoughts) - there are
> absolutely no red responses coming from ROBUST or OPENSIM consoles
> Only issues I am having from there appear in yellow and are only the groups
> module.
> Ips in regions.ini file are from 9000-9008. Using an internal IP of my
> computer as INTERNAL and my EXTERNAL has been renamed to my DYNS redirect,
> xxx.dyndns.org
> Randy and Family
> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 1:59 PM, Darren Williams wrote:
>> IMHO this doesn't seem like a permissions error. Sounds more to do with
>> agents being posted in the right place and probably caused by an internal
>> networking error within the lan, if you are running multiple instances.
>> If you do a show users full when a user from outside the lan is logged in,
>> do you see the child agents correctly showing in the neighbouring regions?
>> That's possibly a red herring though thinking about it, what do you have for
>> the IP's in the regions ini?
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de
>> [mailto:opensim-users-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of
>> thepierces-rwpt at charter.net
>> Sent: 02 January 2011 18:45
>> To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
>> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Setting up OpenSim 7.0.2 Problems
>> Permission in the opensim.ini are set to FALSE.
>> Left them at FALSE so to not overburdeon the ROBUST
>> Not sure where the setting is reference - "public access on the
>> estate/region"?
>> Are you referring to port 9000 (stand-alone) and 8002 (public).
>> Further questions:
>> (1) what do the Mini Region Modules have to do with anything?
>> (2) Would it make it easier if I were to feed you a copy of my opensim.ini
>> and robust.ini (minus my password and IP lines?
>> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 11:40 AM, Fleep Tuque wrote:
>>> Do you have permissions enabled in the opensim.ini file?  Does it make
>>> any
>>> difference if you turn permissions off?
>>> The only time I've seen that behavior is when I had permissions turned on
>>> and public access on the estate/region turned off..
>>> - Fleep
>>> On Sun, Jan 2, 2011 at 12:29 PM, Randy Pierce
>>> <thepierces-rwpt at charter.net>wrote:
>>>> They can see the world map, but when they try to tp or move acorss the
>>>> boundaries, they cannot. They do not even see the region in front of
>>>> them.
>>>     ------------------------------
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