[Opensim-users] Edits to rezzed objects not persisting

Fleep Tuque fleep513 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 15:24:50 UTC 2011

Good point, Simon, I'm observing these issues on opensim

- Chris/Fleep

Chris M. Collins (SL: Fleep Tuque)
Project Manager, UC Second Life
Second Life Ambassador, Ohio Learning Network
UCit Instructional & Research Computing
University of Cincinnati
406E Zimmer Hall
PO Box 210088
Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
chris.collins at uc.edu

UC Second Life:   http://homepages.uc.edu/secondlife
OLN Second Life: http://www.oln.org/emerging_technologies/emtech.php

On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:22 AM, Fleep Tuque <fleep513 at gmail.com> wrote:

> I've continued to experience this problem, too.  A couple of observations:
> - On texture changes, I've noticed that if I de-link the prim from the
> linkset and then make the texture change by clicking the texture box and
> selecting the appropriate texture file (as opposed to dragging the texture
> onto the face), and then re-link to the linkset, the texture change is more
> likely to be preserved upon reboot.
> - Same with editing prim properties (size, rotation), if I de-link, change,
> and re-link, the changes are more likely to be preserved.
> - Sometimes entire linksets disappear on reboot for no explicable reason.
>  I build an object from scratch, link it up.  Shift drag to the right so I
> have items A - B - C with A as the original and C as the last shift-drag
> copy.  B might be gone when I reboot.
> - I've taken to saving OAR files out every time I do any building, as OAR
> files always seem to preserve all the changes.  Unfortunately as my sim gets
> more dense with stuff, saving and loading the OARS takes longer and
> longer...
> - I don't think it's a viewer problem since I've observed this with
> Imprudence, Hippo, and the SL client.
> - Chris/Fleep
> Chris M. Collins (SL: Fleep Tuque)
> Project Manager, UC Second Life
> Second Life Ambassador, Ohio Learning Network
> UCit Instructional & Research Computing
> University of Cincinnati
> 406E Zimmer Hall
> PO Box 210088
> Cincinnati, OH 45221-0088
> (513)556-3018
> chris.collins at uc.edu
> UC Second Life:   http://homepages.uc.edu/secondlife
> OLN Second Life: http://www.oln.org/emerging_technologies/emtech.php
> On Tue, Apr 26, 2011 at 11:12 AM, missyfitz <7minarets at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Having the same problem in OSdiva with linksets exported from SL
>> and
>> also with linksets exported from another OS (non-diva) installation. The
>> problem only happens with some linksets, not all, and manifests in 2 ways:
>> a
>> linkset will repeatedly snap back to a different location.. a linkset will
>> repeatedly revert any texture modifications made to it.
>> I should mention that the exports were performed with Phoenix 1.5.1 (373)
>> and imported with same.
>> I'm making it a point to watch the mySQL database and seeing the time
>> change, suggesting that persistence data is being recorded/saved.. But on
>> shutdown and restart of the server, the changes have not persisted.
>> I've also noticed that it's when these imported linksets are modified in
>> Imprudence, the reversions seem to occur more often.
>> Also, if I take the linkset back to inventory using Imprudence, re-rez it
>> and re-position it, wait 10+ minutes and shutdown the server, restart the
>> server, log back in with Imprudence, the changes to those linksets more
>> often than not do persist, but other linksets will suddenly vanish
>> entirely.
>> So for me, it seems like Phoenix is partly the problem. (I like using
>> phoenix at least for the export/import and positioning because I can run 2
>> copies side by side, and easily copy/paste the positioning data with the
>> built-in tools in phoenix).
>> But anyway, yes, same bug confirmed here with all kinds of variables and
>> inconsistencies though.
>> M.
>> --
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