[Opensim-users] A Script Question

Henry Wills fubat.enterprises at gmail.com
Thu Apr 14 23:40:25 UTC 2011

Thanks, Vanish, James, but I'm not sure I understand what all that means.

First, about threat level, going into the opensim.ini, I have
OSFunctionThreatLevel = VeryLow

Yet, in the DivaPreferences.ini file I have
    AllowMODFunctions = true
    AllowOSFunctions = true
    OSFunctionThreatLevel = Moderate

Could this be a conflict error due to the different threat level settings?
One example is a pretty simple point-to-point TP script, which has no
osFunctions in it, just the usual lsl functions. In fact, here's the whole
of the script ...

*// Script Name: Teleport.lsl
// Author: Encog Dod

// Downloaded from : http://www.free-lsl-scripts.com/freescripts.plx?ID=150

// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it.
// License information must be included in any script you give out or use.
// This script is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share
Alike 3.0 License
// from http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0 unless licenses are
// included in the script or comments by the original author,in which case
// the authors license must be followed.

// Please leave any authors credits intact in any script you use or publish.
// From the book:
// Scripting Recipes for Second Life
// by Jeff Heaton (Encog Dod in SL)
// ISBN: 160439000X
// Copyright 2007 by Heaton Research, Inc.
// This script may be freely copied and modified so long as this header
// remains unmodified.
// For more information about this book visit the following web site:
// http://www.heatonresearch.com/articles/series/22/

vector target=<190, 197, 64>;

vector offset;

        offset = (target- llGetPos()) * (ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot());
        llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION);

        llSetText("Teleport pad",<0,0,0>,1.0);
        offset = (target- llGetPos()) * (ZERO_ROTATION / llGetRot());
        llSitTarget(offset, ZERO_ROTATION);

    changed(integer change)
        if (change & CHANGED_LINK)
            if (llAvatarOnSitTarget() != NULL_KEY)

    touch_start(integer i)
        llSay(0, "Please right-click and select Teleport");
This one generates the error message every time I rez it. By the way, it
also has a 5 to 8 second delay before the the UnSit occurs.

However, I've just experimented by inserting a simple // as the very first
line and then rezzed the script into a new prim. (Hope that doesn't violate
the 'don't change the header' portion of the license) No error message. I'm
going to mess around with that on some other scripts, like a jetpack one I
am dying to get working properly.

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 3:56 PM, James Hughes <jamesh at bluewallgroup.com>wrote:

>  On 04/14/2011 06:18 PM, Henry Wills wrote:
> So, I've got a bunch of OSGrid scripts and my stand-alone is using the
> default Xengine. With a number of the scripts I get the following error
> message
> "*Selected engine unavailable. Running script on XEngine*".
> To me, this says that there is at least one other script engine available.
> Is that so? If it is, how do I get it and install it? Currently, with
> scripts that generate that error, I have been recompiling (using LSL, just
> in case), set the script to running and it works fine. Its just a pain in
> the ass having to go through the extra steps.
> Come to think of it, what about other Physics Engines, like nVidia PhysX,
> which I happen to have installed on my system. Can anyone provide links to
> get a different engine and installation instructions?
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>  Look at the first line in the script. It probably has //My Script, or
> something similar. Make sure the first line of the script is blank or just
> // to be safe. The script mechanism of OpenSim is designed to support
> several scripting engines simultaneously. And, the way to tell OpenSim which
> engine to use to execute the  script is with the first line. //C# would run
> it with the C# engine (if you have it enabled).
> See: http://justincc.org/blog/2008/11/21/c-scripting-in-opensim/ for an
> example of that.
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