[Opensim-users] Hypergrid 1.5 and Teleports not working?

Ai Austin ai.ai.austin at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 16:23:20 UTC 2010

Diva, this may seem a bit of a silly question, but I assume that we 
still give link-region commands to Opensim.exe  or via the 
startup-commands script ist and not in the Robust.exe console?  If 
its to the Robust.exe console is there a startup commands equivalent 
to let us make this automatic?

So for example will the following in Opensim.exe cause a hyperlink to 
someone elses grid and which the Gatekeeper then will police?

      link-region 6001,6001 yourgrid.com:8002:Your Region

You mention allowing regions beyond the default one as hypergrid 
locations...  I have seen how to set up default regions and 
alternative landing locations in the 0.7 Opensim.ini.example, but 
where are hypergrid permitted and default regions et up?  Is there an 
online wiki page or ex ample in the ini files somewhere?

And I also guess the previous 4096,4096 range between hyperjump 
locations across the initial and final location home grid xoc, yloc 
squares still applies?  But worth asking in case that has changed.

I am still looking for someone with a HG1.5 test setup who has a 
region within 4096,4096 of 1000,1000 so I can test by the way, anyone 
out there with such a grid and location on 0.7/HG1.5?

>From: Diva Canto <diva at metaverseink.com>
>In HG 1.5 you don't link directly to the regions. The only component
>that accept link-region requests is the gatekeeper -- that is running in
>the Robust server. So you need to link to the address of the gatekeeper.
>The syntax is
>      domain:port[:region_name]
>mygrid.com:8002 <--- this will link to the Default_Region on mygrid
>mygrid.com:8002:My Region <---- this will link to that region, if the
>gatekeeper allows that

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