[Opensim-users] Overhauled some of the basic OpenSim instructions on the wiki

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at gmail.com
Sat Jun 19 01:49:18 UTC 2010

Hi folks,

Because I'm the exception that proves the rule, I spent quite a lot of time today overhauling the basic OpenSim wiki 
configuration instructions at


I deleted a lot of the old out-of-date misleading information and tried to simplify the text.  I also removed some 
information that is better explained in the various .ini.example files.  At this stage, experience suggests that 
duplicating this information on the wiki just leads to it becoming stale and misleading.

I've also added addition text for standalone setup instructions in 0.7-rc1 and onwards (these are also in the README.txt 
file in the OpenSim distribution - in this case I think the duplication is better than not).

I haven't yet added 0.7-rc1 grid setup instructions though I have added an extra notice on how they've probably changed. 
  In fact, these will be simpler in the future since a basic setup now only requires you to start up a single Robust.exe 
(thanks Melanie :)

If people want to take a look over it that would be great (or even update it if necessary).  I think that we should keep 
this page as simple as reasonably possible and shunt more advanced information over to other pages (preferably with an 
entry in the main user page at


as well.

Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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