[Opensim-users] Banning "bad" viewers was Re: Can this be done?

John Ward jward at uci.edu
Wed Jan 13 07:45:25 UTC 2010

Karen Palen wrote:
> Hmm, somehow your posts are coming with a really strange time stamp. I
> would guess that the local time zone on your machine is incorrect.

No, just the clock off, and off by enough to keep NTP from updating it 

> My central point remains that knowing the viewer ID string does nothing to
> prevent any such attack, this is simply one workaround.

With all do respect the first of your claims I responded to had been that 
using the ID string was worse then doing nothing.  Which is false.  Then you 
went with it does NOTHING apart from "feelgood"!  Which is also false.  Now 
its it does nothing to prevent an attack.  I mostly agree with that.  What it 
does do is limit a viewer based on how it identifies itself which is something 
and may be worth doing to some even if you disagree with that practice.  If 
one wants users to use a particular viewer this can be a good first step.  I 
say mostly because any attack that doesn't identify itself with a blessed ID 
string gets blocked.  It works this way no matter how many times you call that 
"worse then nothing", "feel good" or plain "nothing".


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