[Opensim-users] Question about IAR files

GMail-johnpat10 johnpat10 at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 21:15:23 UTC 2010

Coming full circle from my original question...issue is obviously a  
common concern. Too bad SL Version 2 does not have a way to save out  
inventory like OpenSim's IAR.  Seems like it would have been a great  
opportunity add that capability for things you create in SL Viewer Ver  

Just to follow up on IAR, it worked fine for me in my tests, granted  
the VirtualBox servers were identical but on different computers. I  
liked the fact that you have to be organized with the stuff your  
create and place them is specfic folders, etc good skill for  
students ;-)

Most of what I see my teachers and students using OpenSim would be in  
"walled garden" type of situations. So the ability to deploy a  
specific sim with prebuilt content, and then ability to IAR content  
they create and inventory in portfolio, etc. seems to fit my purpose.

Do have a couple questions about IAR though:

1. When I was running Save and Load IAR I'm working directly on the  
server and the command line on the server. It also saved the IAR files  
directly to the bin folder (Diva install) and requires that they be in  
the bin folder when I load them back into a different sim.  This is  
not a problem when the server and the client are on the same hardware  
(my desktop), but when OpenSim is deployed on it's own hardware, am i  
going to have to log in remotely to the server to run iar? Is it  
possible to ssh to OpenSim server and run the management console to  
save and load IAR files? How would you do that if the server is  
already running, you wouldn't want to start another terminal window  
and run opensim.exe again, would you?

2. When running the save iar command, is it possible to set the saved  
file path to another computer? If so what would that look like?
<save iar user name ///user/myuseraccount/Documents/OpenSim_Archives  
mySecretPassword theSavedArchive >??? Same thing for using the "load  
iar" command from a client computer?

Would it be possible for the "save iar" command to save to an ftp  
directory, like: <save iar user name ftp:// 
imstudent:mypassword at Archive_Student_Created_Content/Server/ 
OpenSim_Archives_Portfolio/ mySecretPassword theSavedArchive > ???

3. Is there a gui interface to run the OpenSim mangement console from  
a desktop to generate, save and load IAR files?

Ideally, I would like the ability to save and load AIR files from a  
client computer rather than the server. Or even if there was an little  
GUI app that students could use to save what the create to a digital  
portfoio, kind of like the ftp example in question number 2.

Thanks in advance for any help!  :-)

John Patten
Tech Dept

On Feb 23, 2010, at 12:13 PM, marcel verhagen wrote:

> I am happy with the save tools of opensim. It enables me to build  
> cool things with a real time pressure.
> Cause it is easy to back up all created on the sims and in my  
> inventory on the serverside.
> Somehow I do not feel the need to copy over tons of things from sl  
> and back.
> However I find the idea that someone who logs in with a pirate  
> viewer and also can copy all the things on my sims from the viewer  
> side a bit disturbing.
> Makes me wonder can I block those viewers from my own opensims ?
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