[Opensim-users] [Opensim-dev] Preview split up of OpenSim.ini.example now in bin/config.preview.donotuseyet

me at timberwoof.com me at timberwoof.com
Sun Mar 15 01:16:02 UTC 2009

I'd love a web based interface. I could even help write one ... once  
I can figure out how to get my OpenSim configured and starting up  
properly. I have found lots of instructions on how to do that, and  
somewhere in there is the correct set. :-)

On Mar 14, 2009, at 5:06 PM, Robert Klein wrote:

> Yes I can definitely see where having a reduced "needs only" ini  
> file would
> be nice, but I am a command line kind of guy as I am sure many of  
> the NIX
> people are thus copying and pasting between files is a pain for us  
> sometimes
> so it is pretty nice to have it all in one OpenSim.ini file.  
> Generally in a
> NIX environment a server does not run any type of Xwindows layer to  
> keep the
> overhead down since we usually shell in, do our thing with vi or  
> some text
> editor and exit off. How NIX admins approach their systems can be very
> different than Windows admins. What about a web based interface as a
> compromise? Most of us run web servers for the login, support,  
> helper etc.
> pages anyway. Just a thought.
> -Robert
> Dr Scofield wrote:
>> Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
>>> Hello folks,
>>> I have done a preliminary split of the large OpenSim.ini.example  
>>> file
>>> into separate files under the directory
>>> config.preview.donotuseyet/.  None of this is yet active.
>>> The separate .ini.example files are placed in a folder structure  
>>> under
>>> config/ rather than all in a single directory.
>>> Where possible the structure follows that of modules and  
>>> assemblies in
>>> the codebase.
>> hmm... i'd much prefer to have them in just *folder*...possibly  
>> *two*: one
>> with
>> the active config files, one with the inactive ones. also OpenSim.ini
>> should
>> live in that folder then
>> 	DrS/dirk
>> -- 
>> dr dirk husemann ---- virtual worlds research ---- ibm zurich  
>> research lab
>> SL: dr scofield ---- drscofield at xyzzyxyzzy.net ---- http:// 
>> xyzzyxyzzy.net/
>> RL: hud at zurich.ibm.com - +41 44 724 8573 - http:// 
>> www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/
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> -- 
> View this message in context: http://n2.nabble.com/Preview-split-up- 
> of-OpenSim.ini.example-now-in-bin-config.preview.donotuseyet- 
> tp2463947p2479856.html
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