[Opensim-users] Database overview needed

Impalah impalah at gmail.com
Tue Mar 3 14:12:28 UTC 2009

Not, there aren't any, at least in the "original" opensim servers.

Asset server is a huge store of anything, even the generated maps and
terrain revisions (opensim region servers). Not only inventory assets are
stored there.

Asset server and inventory server are separated processes each one with
their own data models. The connection between them is
assetID(inventoryItems)->id(assets) but there aren't any foreign keys. You
could use different databases for assets/inventory.

I have only doubts about the new AssetsInventory server, I hadn't time to
play with it.


2009/3/3 Frank W Sweet <fwsweet at backintyme.com>

> Thank you so much! I had no idea that section of the Wiki was out
> there!
> One other question: Since there is no reference counter in "asset" for
> inventory-to-asset references (nor in "userfriend" for
> user-to-userfriend references, nor in any other table receiving
> one-to-many relationships, for that matter), I assume that there are
> utility procedures in the code that are run periodically to purge
> unreferenced records and to check referential integrity. Where in the
> code would these be, and how often are they run (at startup, shutdown,
> every so often)?
> Frank W Sweeet
> Backintyme Publishing
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jeff Ames" <jeffames at gmail.com>
> To: "Frank W Sweet" <fwsweet at backintyme.com>;
> <opensim-users at lists.berlios.de>
> Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 10:58 PM
> Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Database overview needed
> There is some existing documentation at
> http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Database:Documentation and the pages
> linked there.
> As for assets versus inventory items, an asset is the object itself,
> whereas the inventory item simply points to the asset (via the asset
> ID), and adds some information about the asset that the inventory
> needs to be aware of, such as permissions.
> When assets are modified, a copy is created, since we can't be sure
> that there is only one reference to the original asset.
> (I believe this is accurate, but those of you more familiar with
> current asset handling, please correct me if I'm mistaken.)
> Jeff
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