[Opensim-users] Correcting Metaverse Time

Charles Krinke cfk at pacbell.net
Tue Jan 20 16:17:06 UTC 2009

Justin. You bring up a very interesting point. I know in Linux that one generally sets up the server to use UTC, and that the timezone offsets are just that, offsets.

I also know that it is possible to not check the box in a Linux install that says "Use UTC time for the server".

I am less confident about how various Windows variants are setup and how they perform with respect to UTC.

Is it possible that we need a FAQ or a wiki entry with the recommended setup for server times to get this whole thing headed back down a more logical path?


From: Justin Clark-Casey <jjustincc at googlemail.com>
To: opensim-users at lists.berlios.de
Sent: Tuesday, January 20, 2009 7:48:29 AM
Subject: Re: [Opensim-users] Correcting Metaverse Time

Robert Klein wrote:
> Justin what do you think? Where do we start to make this happen?

I was under the impression that PST was hardcoded in the Linden Labs Second Life viewer.  Certainly I haven't seen 
anything serverside that could currently affect the displayed clock.

Of course, other clients could introduce adjustable timezone display and extra messages could be added to OpenSim via 
modules (eventually) to accommodate this.

But I agree with people in the parallel opensim-dev thread to this that all servers should use the same underlying 
timezone for data purposes - the logical choice here is UTC.

> Cheers,
> -Robert
> Ai Austin wrote:
>> At 05:06 19/01/2009, opensim-users-request at lists.berlios.de wrote:
>>> I was wondering why we continue to use SL (PST) time in our wonderful
>>> OpenSim universe instead of GMT/UTC? What would it take to set our own
>>> standalone opensims for another timezone?
>> I would vote for UTC... and cakll it that rather GMT wh ich happens 
>> to equal UTC.  We are international after all :-)
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Justin Clark-Casey
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