[Opensim-users] HyperGrid Headache? - HELP!!!!

John Sheridan john at pseudospace.net
Tue Jan 20 09:30:39 UTC 2009

Ok, I've been fighting with this all night.  I configured one of my 
grid's servers to act as a hypergrid node.  So far I'm able to teleport 
to other grids without a problem.  I've yet to try the reverse, but 
thats for another time.  Everything so far seems to be going good with 
one minor hitch that's been driving me up a wall for the past five 
hours.  When I start OpenSim with -hypergrid=true a user's inventory 
will no longer load when they're on that server.  It loads just fine on 
the other servers and if I start OpenSim normally it works fine.  I've 
checked everything inside OpenSim.ini on the sim server as well I've 
reconfigured the grid services (hosted on another server) to all run off 
of the external ip instead of the loopback.  There are no traces of or localhost or any of that jazz in any of my config files.  
Yet I'm getting this error which is presumably why inventory will not load:

09:19:39 - [HGrid INVENTORY SERVICE]: Requesting inventory from for user 
841316e1-af93-4b6a-b370-f9ec31d2f467 (841316e1-af93-4b6a-b370-f9ec31d2f467)
09:19:39 - [HGrid INVENTORY SERVICE]: Request inventory operation 
failed, System Error: ConnectFailure

Can anybody help please? :)

 - John Sheridan / Orion Pseudo

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