[Opensim-users] Opensim-users Digest, Vol 28, Issue 18

Karen Palen karen_palen at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 10 23:48:55 UTC 2009

--- On Thu, 12/10/09, dz <dz at bitzend.net> wrote:

> From: dz <dz at bitzend.net>

> If OpenSim is going to point at the DMCA as its method of
> content protection, we should learn from the Linden's
> that NOT providing the proper utilities to track ownership
> of content doesn't impress content providers.  ( IANAL,
> so no legal advice here...)  It seems to just make them
> upset and leave.   This exodus from SL is growing  and
> Marcus's post here is evidence of what they are looking
> for.


I certainly don't speak for OpenSim in any way other than an enthused user, the only way that the US DMCA is involved is that it spells out a compromise that is more or less workable!

I would also agree that providing tools to track creation and ownership is essential for a whole host of reasons in addition to IP protection. 

We should all be aware of the limitations of any such scheme though. The shock of finding out just how porous SL's content protection really is has contributed a lot to the latest round of panic and is certainly one that we should avoid.

I would also comment that there is far more than the latest round of perceived IP problems which is causing people to leave SL in droves. Still I hardly think rehashing all of that here is either helpful or relevant.



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