[Opensim-users] Groups in Opensim

Tristan tristan.wattswillis at gmail.com
Sat Apr 4 01:32:04 UTC 2009

Ok. I agree, we really do need groups. I also like your idea for allowing
outside access for other apps, though I think we should work on getting them
usable first.

On Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 12:38 PM, Ai Austin <ai.ai.austin at googlemail.com>wrote:

> At 19:04 03/04/2009, Charles Krinke <cfk at pacbell.net> wrote:
> >Since OpenSim is not going away, perhaps this is a good time to
> >discuss 'groups' implementations.
> >
> >It seems to me that getting to where we have some semblance of
> >'groups' in OpenSim is to our advantage and will help the various
> >grids progress. I wonder what other thoughts there are?
> I altered the subject line to get us onto MUCH more positive things
> guys and gals... this is a Great community, and we rely on many
> personal time commitments from us all.  Don't spoil it.
> I picked up on this post from Charles, and some 1-1 chat I had with
> Justin yesterday on the same subject, because I think this is a
> critical area that does need attention.  I was in a meeting this week
> with with folks from IBM Hursley who might be able to encourage such
> development amongst their own researchers keen on the area.
> Lets find out what the state of play is, what exists and what is really
> needed.
> For my own tuppence/two cents/two rubles (to try to be culturally
> sensitive :-) )  we should at least make sure we can do SL style
> group related plots, object change permissions and the like.  But we
> should definitely not limit groups to the paltry 25 per avatar... I
> have FAR more groups I am involved with and have to move stuff around
> between avatars even in our early SL work being involved with a
> lot  f educators and research groups on our areas at the Virtual
> University of Edinburgh.
> I wonder also if some sort of web interface to an externally defined
> user information, avatars information, groups, roles set up that can
> be externally managed as well as supported internally would make
> sense to move this to a way to link up a social networking site with
> DB based information with va range of virtual worlds including Opensim.
> Ai
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