[Opensim-users] Strange effekt / Avatar totaly stretched

Dave Coyle coyle+opensim at knifejaw.com
Wed Apr 1 14:28:13 UTC 2009

On 2009-04-01 09:45:13 -0400, fwsweet at backintyme.com wrote:
> But we did not and cannot anticipate deliberate vandalism by a trusted
> developer.

Setting aside that I disagree with your characterization of this as
"vandalism", I'm not a developer on this project and I knew some April
1st funny business was coming for months, as did others.  There was
chatter about it on #opensim as far back as January, if not earlier,
plus there were similar pranks last year.  Your web site says you're
based in FL, so I'm assuming your servers are in the U.S.... last
night (your time) there were a number of people in #osgrid and
#opensim seeing the prank, having a laugh, then showing others how to
patch to make it go away and move on.  If this caught you off-guard
and you couldn't patch and move on, then you shouldn't be running
trunk and should instead stick with tagged releases.


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