[Opensim-users] objects undergoing continuous change

Paul Fishwick fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
Mon Nov 10 17:00:26 UTC 2008

I am curious as to how OpenSim currently deals with updating changing object
attributes over time (position and orientation for example). These dynamic
changes can come about either through LSL scripting or while running the 

Presumably, many (most) of these are kept in memory? With a reasonable
amount of server memory (4GB) one would hope that a region or small grid 
maintain all changing attribute without ever going back to the database 
for (1) initial connections and (2) shutdowns.  Also, it would seem that 
some of these
changes could be done client-side?

So, I have 2 questions:

 * Where are these attributes stored (in memory, in the database, or in 
a memory
    hierarchy where there is a memory cache that automatically flushes 
to the
    database when it is required) ?

 * Would it (or is it) useful to have some scripts run on the client 
rather than the
    server for less server loading? For example, could ODE run on the 


Dr. Paul A. Fishwick           E-Mail: fishwick at cise.ufl.edu
Dept. of Computer & Info       Phone & FAX: (352) 392-1414
 Science and Engineering       WWW: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~fishwick
University of Florida          (PGP Key available at above WWW address)
P. O. Box 116120
332 Bldg. CSE, Gainesville, FL 32611-6120

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