[Opensim-users] Streaming Media Question

Tim Allen flipper at peregrinesalon.com
Wed Dec 31 15:37:27 UTC 2008

Just a few comments and things to consider for people who deal with
streaming media in SL / OpenSim / Rex:

(1) There's going to be a pretty major overhaul to FreeView / VWMedia
viewers (formerly SLGuide... argh, trademarks) at some point soon. The
SLGuide.com domain will eventually be going away, and replaced by
VWMedia.net.  We're taking this chance to add a lot of new features to
the system, including public and private streams, better checking of
streams to avoid link rot, and cleaning up the existing database (too
much spam).

(2) You can easily get a MP4 (SL/OpenSim compatible) link for any
Youtube video by changing the URL like this.

If the Youtube URL is:

The MP4 URL is:

I hope this helps!


-Tim / Flip

On Mon, Dec 29, 2008 at 1:50 PM, Paul Fishwick <fishwick at cise.ufl.edu> wrote:
> Robert Klein wrote:
>> I am fairly familiar with the mechanics of dealing with media in SL
>> and to some extent OpenSim. I can get Quicktime files to play on a
>> media texture by placing the URL in the Media URL: field so I know it
>> works. I grabbed the Freeview code, placed it on a prim and it runs
>> just fine for the most part. The only problem is it plays or controls
>> just the parcel media stream. It does not respond to playing any other
>> streams, Quicktime or otherwise. Any thoughts? Is Quicktime the only
>> supported video format so far?
> When you say "does not respond to any other streams", are you using
> this: http://lslwiki.net/lslwiki/wakka.php?wakka=llParcelMediaCommandList  ?
> So far as I know, Quicktime is the only supported video format
> for the LL viewer. The Rex viewer supports additional formats such
> as Flash: http://community.rexdeveloper.org/. The Rex team are working
> on a region module (modrex) to make it so that their viewer can be used
> on existing opensim content.
>> Here are a couple of other questions:
>> How can we play YouTube videos in OpenSim or does that work yet?
> You would need to first convert them to mp4. Try: http://www.zamzar.com/

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