[Opensim-users] Collada

Ralf Haifisch ralf at ralf-haifisch.biz
Mon Dec 22 16:31:44 UTC 2008

Hi Toni,

Thanks for your feedback on collada.

Basicly - if there is any other standard that is already user for 3D worlds,
I would be perfectly happy with that, too.

I´m purely talking about a standard for offline content creation, that
- is already accept and free and commercial software is available
- is able to be importet in more than one 3D world

I know that it will not fit all needs and properties a object can now have.
I never thought about sculptys.  I don´t mind the rights-system - there is
no enforcement any way right now and it must be done inside the grid.

Even the second inventory or libsl data its stored somehow structured, as
the cache is.  But the bad part: not an industry standard, while perfect in
taking care of all 

I guess a multi-platform standard would be very helpful in bringing the 3D
web to a next level. 
It would be important for content creators to have a broader market for
their virtual sword (or whatever), and user would like it to take their
belongings with them. (where a cross-platform rights system maybe a topic,
but i´m not addressing it here)

I could not dig into RealXtent up to now to deep (have seen the demos/local
server versions) - always interesting to here news. 

You´re knowledge is much more advanced - if you think about the side of the
content creator or user, is there any other standard you would recommend ?


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