[Opensim-users] opensim migration strategy

John Hopkin opensim at jfhopkin.karoo.co.uk
Sun Dec 7 14:48:04 UTC 2008

Ai Austin wrote:

>Thanks for clarifying this.  I have taken the liberty of adding the 
>three methods to the Wiki at
>   http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Upgrading
>But since I did not originate this it would be great if you good 
>folks could check and correct anything I have wrong.
>I added the note on estate_settings.xml not being needed since r5525

Good work.  If I could suggest something - you say:

"An alternative method is to save out OpenSim region archives (OARs)
for each of your regions, change the database backend and then reload
them. The disadvantage of this is that it's a little laborious if you
have many regions [...]"

which is very true - you need to change to each region before backing
up to a separate file.  Maybe it's worth pointing out that you can use
the "command-script" feature of OpenSim.exe to semi-automate that. For

Create a file in your "bin" directory, called something like
"dobackup", which contains the necessary commands, for example:

change-region My Island 1
save-oar MI1
change-region My Island 2
save-oar MI2
change-region Another Region
save-oar AR
change-region root

This can be run from OpenSim.exe by typing "command-script" followed
by the name you gave the script (eg "dobackup").

Note that this will overwrite the previous backup of the same name.  I
have a script that runs once a minute which checks for backup files in
the bin directory and, if it finds any, moves them to a backups
directory with a name reflecting the date and time.

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