[Opensim-dev] Harvesting code from forks of Opensim

W Smith wanderingcodesmith at yahoo.co.uk
Wed May 27 01:24:28 UTC 2015

First of all I have no interest in extracting anything from the AA* functions or any other part of Aurora-Sim that is not required by LSL functions.

I was only looking at the possibility of extracting usable code from the LSL ll* functions. The one I was looking at first were the llJson* and llList2Json. The other 20+ LSL function that seem to be missing from OpenSim I was going to have a go at later, and at a minimum produce a "not Implemented" placeholder version so at least constants and method signatures would be available for someone to fill out.

It turns out,  after attempting it,  there are some quite large differences between what the aurora-sim json functions do and how they behave in SL so the Aurora code turns out to be more a tutorial on using the OSD libraries than a proper implementation to be copied.

A few parts of the Aurora sim function are usable (general looping structure) as is but most require changes to correct the differences with SLs version. 

Since these functions rely heavily on the use OSD libraries, and personally I cannot see that use as being copyrightable, and looping through a list cannot be done many ways either.

So, back to my original question, will this be likely to be acceptable? 


On Wed, 27/5/15, Fly Man <fly.man.opensim at gmail.com> wrote:

 Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Harvesting code from forks of Opensim
 To: opensim-dev at opensimulator.org
 Date: Wednesday, 27 May, 2015, 1:18
 Let me answer most
 questions that have been shooting up in my personal mailbox
 which have to do with Opensim as a project.
 I'll start with
 perhaps the most easy part of the discussion: AuroraSim.
 AuroraSim is a derivated
 from OpenSim, forked on the 14th of October 2010 after Rev
 (RevolutionSmythe) decided that Opensim wasn't going
 into the way he personally had seen. He decided to fork the
 Opensim tree and renamed it to AuroraSim. In the years
 following he upgraded parts of the source-code and added a
 set of new functional code parts knows as the
 functions are based on the code that he wrote at that moment
 for the AuroraSim branch. Remember, this is an OLDER copy of
 what the current Opensim branch is now. Most of the
 functions in there won't ever work in Opensim mainly
 because Opensim does not have these older hooks.
 In 2013 Rev was done
 with his education and decided to start working which
 brought AuroraSim to a slower moving branch and patches
 weren't applied instantly anymore. The last patch that
 was applied to the sourcecode was Jan 2014 and the project
 slowly died.
 currently there's no maintainer of any of the code that
 was/is in AuroraSim other then what is currently in that
 GitHub repository.
 Now here comes the part which Kevin
 already mentioned: "The fork is called
 Indeed, WhiteCore is a fork of
 AuroraSim after I personally saw what was happening to
 AuroraSim. I had been watching the slow pace for a longer
 period of time and already had found 2 other people that had
 the same "issue". So in December 2013 AuroraSim
 was forked and re-based as WhiteCoreSim.
 Currently in development with 2
 other developers, I am 1 of the 3 lead developers that
 actively maintain that "fork" although it's
 not even close to what the endgoal for it will be.
 1 thing that we
 broke "on purpose" when we changed the name is the
 aaFunctions because only Rev knows exactly how they are
 meant to work. At the moment there's no other person who
 knows what exactly the functions are meant to do other then
 a better way to have NPC's spawn and some basic
 functions that mimic the osFunctions.
 Conclusion: There's no developer
 at the moment that can look into Rev's head from a
 distance and ask him how the functions are meant to work (if
 they still work at all) and my -1 was meant to say
 "Please do not put things that no one knows about in
 2015-05-27 1:58 GMT+02:00
 Dahlia Trimble <dahliatrimble at gmail.com>:
 Just to clarify on
 the slight chance it was missed, I wasn't suggesting
 anyone "fork off" in any sense of the term. Many
 forks, both public and private, already exist and I suspect
 more will come about.  My hope is that the community will
 survuve and even thrive beyond any code fork.
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at
 4:22 PM, Morgaine <morgaine.dinova at googlemail.com>
 Dahlia writes:
 I'd like to see disagreement and forks as a means to
 drive innovation rather than conflict.
 More often than not,
 real project forking into separate projects (not just
 forking in the github sense) implies an inability or lack of
 desire to find a meeting of minds with technical peers.
 If requirements are
 dramatically different then project forking can be a very
 reasonable way forward, and to the benefit of everybody. 
 But if the requirements are really quite similar then
 forking is more likely an indication of inflexibility and
 intransigence by one or both parties.  The communal
 engineering process has probably failed.
 This is a
 technical project, so it's inherently different to
 discussing the merits of cat pictures -- discussions can be
 objective.  A rationally presented suggestion or even a
 strong criticism presented in good faith is not a reason for
 telling people to fork off.  If that is the response then
 it's a sign of extreme project ill health.
 Negative feedback
 is intrinsic to good engineering, and all good engineers
 embrace it.  That's not theoretical.  Without it a
 project's direction would never change to take into
 consideration the bitter lessons of experience.
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at
 11:35 PM, Dahlia Trimble <dahliatrimble at gmail.com>
 Apparently there is still a fair bit of passion
 about this platform and I prefer to see this in a manner
 where people can use the code in a way they see fit and to
 (hopefully) contribute back something or pay it forward in
 other ways as appropriate. I'm not opposed to forks but
 I'd hope civil discourse can be maintained even through
 the times when much disagreement looms. I would hope that
 various forks and branches could benefit from each other and
 the community as a whole can thereby benefit. I'd like
 to see disagreement and forks as a means to drive innovation
 rather than conflict.
 On Tue, May 26, 2015 at
 2:14 PM, Morgaine <morgaine.dinova at googlemail.com>
 Good data, thanks Cinder.  It doesn't
 look like death to me.
 You clearly have some elite query-foo
 skills, can you generate a historical list of commits per
 month and per year?  This is a very strong way of debunking
 allegations of death!  :P
 On Tue, May 26,
 2015 at 10:05 PM, Cinder Roxley <cinder at alchemyviewer.org>
 On May 26, 2015 at 2:59:54
 PM, Morgaine (morgaine.dinova at googlemail.com)
 wrote: I'm just an observer
 on this project, albeit a very long term one, dating back to
 near the beginning.  One thing that long-term observers are
 well qualified to do is to confirm or to deny the veracity
 of allegations of long-term trends.
 Mike Chase's allegation that
 "OpenSim is slowly dieing
 (IMO) from neglect"
 is clearly unfounded since commits show
 no sign of stopping.  I haven't checked the rate of
 commits so perhaps Mike has more information in this
 regard.  I welcome better
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