[Opensim-dev] Running BulletSim on osx

jon cundill jcundill at gmail.com
Tue Apr 2 23:24:59 UTC 2013

Does anyone know what steps are needed to get this working?

I've been trying to enable BulletSim physics for osx. The dylibs aren't in
git - so it doesn't work out of the box, but I've been playing around this
evening trying to get this running on my mac.

I've managed to get the opensim-libs cmake working for osx lion (at least I
think I have - cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DFRAMEWORK=ON etc, gives me a
bunch of promising looking shared libraries) and I've found the code that
tells the bullet Physics config how to look for the appropriate dylib in
lib/lib32, so I can fix that up as well.

However, nothing called libBulletSim.dylib seems to get built by the cmake
files in opensim-libs, so I'm a bit confused as to what binaries I would
need to copy into the opensim lib folder in order to make bulletsim happy.

Do I simply rename libbulletcollision or libbulletdynamics to libBulletSim,
or is it a bit more involved than that?


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