[Opensim-dev] Considerations regarding long term development

Dave Coyle hello at coyled.com
Sun Sep 25 22:14:30 UTC 2011

On Sep 22, 2011, at 10:09 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> I also think the approach of having all services run in a single Apache instance is also very good.  Apache/PHP would almost certainly be vastly more efficient than the current native C# http server code that ROBUST has to use.  However, this is another significant undertaking but it could be performed as a separate project.  People have done this kind of thing in the past but I'm not sure if any of those projects are up to date.

SimianGrid [1][2] is still alive and kicking.  ScienceSim [3] is using it.  I don't know the current state of the other web-based service backends.


[1] -- intro: http://code.google.com/p/openmetaverse/
[2] -- code: https://github.com/openmetaversefoundation/simiangrid
[3] -- http://www.sciencesim.com/

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