[Opensim-dev] Cleanup of agents who are falsely indicated as being online

Melanie melanie at t-data.com
Sun Sep 25 08:56:29 UTC 2011


we use that. The LastSeen value can be used to clear entries older
than about 5 minutes. We use 8 minutes. However, this still doesn't
send presence offline notifications to online friends. Normally this
makes no difference but in certain cases a race and false online
indication is possible.


On 25/09/2011 10:53, Bo wrote:
> Hello Melanie,
> thank you for your frank answer and feedback allowing to improve the proposal.
> While the null key is a transitory stage during login wouldn't it work 
> perfectly just delete entries with too old LastSeen value?
> You are right that it WAS a sledgehammer solution and i apologize for my poor 
> knowledge of OS.  But now, thanks to your feedback it may be just a useful 
> cleanup when used together with the last seen value. Don't you think so?
> Thank you, Bo
> On Sunday 25 of September 2011 10:37:55 you wrote:
>> Your SQL would, used consequently, cause failures to show an avatar
>> as present instead. The null key is a transitory stage during login
>> and required for proper functioning of the presence system. It
>> merely isn't cleared due to a race condition or bug.
>> We will not implement a sledgehammer solution that creates new bugs
>> and fixing it will be done by whoever picks it up. We don't have a
>> priority list of fixes and we don't assign work to developers like a
>> company would.
>> Melanie
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