[Opensim-dev] GridCommon Idea

Melanie melanie at t-data.com
Thu Sep 22 01:02:09 UTC 2011


what is a "default ruth"? Ruth is Ruth is Ruth, isn't she?

Do you mean a new default avatar facility? And, if so, what makes
the new different from the one that is there now?


On 22/09/2011 02:51, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> I don't think this is a bad idea, maybe we can do that in the future.
> And thanks for the rc1 report.  Hoping to put rc2 out soon and this will have more publicity.  Unfortunately, OpenSim 
> being what it is, rc2 will still contain a lot of additional bug fixes and a new default Ruth facility.
> On 17/09/11 01:29, Pi And Company wrote:
>> For the config-include files, would it be a good idea so you could have something like
>> [Default Services]
>>   ;Uncomment the following line to use the same server for every service.
>>   ;DefaultService = ""
>> and then this would basicly tell the server to use that IP with the default ports to run OpenSim so the user dosn't have
>> to enter/change the example servers though it would allow for them to still be changed individually.
>> Also Robust rc-1 works fine in Ubuntu 10.04 32bit
>> Jason
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