[Opensim-dev] GridCommon Idea

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Thu Sep 22 00:51:16 UTC 2011

I don't think this is a bad idea, maybe we can do that in the future.

And thanks for the rc1 report.  Hoping to put rc2 out soon and this will have more publicity.  Unfortunately, OpenSim 
being what it is, rc2 will still contain a lot of additional bug fixes and a new default Ruth facility.

On 17/09/11 01:29, Pi And Company wrote:
> For the config-include files, would it be a good idea so you could have something like
> [Default Services]
>   ;Uncomment the following line to use the same server for every service.
>   ;DefaultService = ""
> and then this would basicly tell the server to use that IP with the default ports to run OpenSim so the user dosn't have
> to enter/change the example servers though it would allow for them to still be changed individually.
> Also Robust rc-1 works fine in Ubuntu 10.04 32bit
> Jason
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Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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