[Opensim-dev] Opensim: Linux vs. Windows

lamont cranston l.cranston at gmail.com
Sun Sep 18 00:46:55 UTC 2011

The hope is that there will be more of the major grids working on Linux, to
assure that development will continue for that platform.
The "free as in freedom" of Linux is important, which includes the ability
for researchers to delve into the OS if they desire.

It is unfortunate that the Opensim project has tied itself to .net, since
that has shackles to  a proprietary OS.
Mono is forced to always be second best, since it must play catch up with
whatever Redmond puts out.
Re-inventing wheels is not the most exciting of projects, and the
develoopers on Mono deserve kudos.


On Fri, Sep 16, 2011 at 10:14 AM, Robert A. Knop Jr. <rknop at pobox.com>wrote:

> C'mon folks.  Why go with the easy solution that everybody else does?
>  OpenSim, running on Mono, installed on Wine, running under Linux,
>  which is running on a virtual machine on a Mac box.
> -Rob
> --
> --Rob Knop
>  E-mail:    rknop at pobox.com
>  Home Page: http://www.pobox.com/~rknop/
>  Blog:      http://scientopia.org/blogs/galacticinteractions/
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