[Opensim-dev] Opensim: Linux vs. Windows

bo at s-grid.net bo at s-grid.net
Fri Sep 16 13:52:56 UTC 2011

i agree that what matters is ability of your staff to maintain the OS rather 
than  OS it self.

But maybe there can be a factor speaking for Linux - availability of a good  

I think that it is not good enough to have a sim run 60 days, your sim must 
automatically reboot in case of troubles!

We have very good experiences with Monit:
in this area. It is able to restart sim in case of many troubles like is 
crash, 0 FPS error, too much memory used or enormous CPU usage.

Additionally i think that it is good to restart (issue shutdown command on 
console) the sim every 2 days to get rid all memory leaks or other performance 

I am not sure if there is similar monitoring facility available for Windows. 


On Thursday 15 of September 2011 23:24:41 Levi Martson wrote:
> Hi folks, I'm looking for some input on what you think is a better OS to
> run mission-critical OpenSim instances on: Windows or Linux. I currently
> run on Windows, but I'm starting to run mission-critical instances, and if
> Linux is better than I want to move to that. Any thoughts?
> Thanks,
> Levi

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