[Opensim-dev] Changing HUD for all accounts

bo at s-grid.net bo at s-grid.net
Thu Sep 15 06:51:13 UTC 2011

Please, test it it very carefully on a small grid before putting it on big. My 
"pioneer ideas" do cause mess if not tested ;-) And of course you will need 
also do some testes after each HUD update issued after grid update.

I think in table avatars is referred inventoryID only for primmy attachment so 
change of assetID linked by  inventoryID will work for you. But this may 
change in future so put this condition into your DB tests after grid upgrade, 


On Thursday 15 of September 2011 08:38:23 Marcus Alexander Link wrote:
> Thx Justin, Bo, for the advice. I am going to try the "ONE MySql query"
> route. Marcus

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