[Opensim-dev] Roadmap To Beta

Akira Sonoda akira.sonoda.1 at gmail.com
Wed Nov 30 23:20:16 UTC 2011

Hello everybody,

For three years i live in a OSgrid, the test grid for the
OpenSimulator Software.

A small change in the calculation of avatar positioning for a given
explicit sit target produced big headache among the content creators
in OSgrid, because a lot of existing content in the grid has to be
changed now. A lot of discussion was going on in world and all of the
discussion ended with the conclusion: "This is alpha Software, you
have to be prepared for such changes".

Therefore to mitigate the risk of such issues, the logical question
is: Is there any road map to Beta?

I assume there isn't, therefore the next question would be: When can
we ( the residents of the various grids and possibly the biggest
stakeholder group in this project ) see such a road map?

If I check the features page: http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Feature_Matrix
I see quite a lot of boxes in color green. A few boxes are yellow and
even fewer boxes are red. Reading the feature matrix list through
OpenSimulator residents eyes, I think compiling a road map to Beta
can't be that difficult:

- Decide, which of the red/yellow boxes are part of the Beta
- create a list what in detail has to be done to turn the yellow/red
boxes to green and get ready for Beta.
- publish that list and publish the completion of the tasks in order
to inform us about the progress.
- publish early any issues that could have a severe impact to the
residents. Very important

If my request is completely absurd, then please inform me about your thinking.
If not, well I'm looking forward to see a nice road map soon!

12.12.12: OpenSimulator goes Beta ( wouldn't that sound nice?? )

Yours sincerely
Akira Sonoda

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