[Opensim-dev] help with between-region crossings

Ovi Chris Rouly maelzel at ieee.org
Tue Dec 13 22:40:36 UTC 2011


Is there a setting in the Configs that will help with between-region

When "walking" across regions that are contiguous my avatar momentarily
freezes, drops into the scenery almost up to its waist, and then re-emerges
5-10 seconds later many, many meters farther ahead of its last controlled
position than seems reasonable.

I have set PersistBakedTextures = true and it is not feasible to extend
prims across every region boundary in my Sim (256 contiguous regions).

This is a human-controlled avatar.  My client-side NPCs experience far less
of an upset when walking autonomously between regions.

Moreover, knowing this will happen, I usually only "barely," "timidly"
hand-cross into the adjacent region (anticipating the above) and yet
still encounter the very same events.

Thank you in advance for your advice.


PS Jerry and Lindy special thanks!

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