[Opensim-dev] Our llMinEventDelay

BlueWall jamesh at bluewallgroup.com
Wed Dec 7 00:47:12 UTC 2011

A couple of days ago, I checked mantis: 5803 
http://opensimulator.org/mantis/view.php?id=5803 about the 
llMinEventDelay and found some interesting things in SL. There, it 
behaves as a one shot delay, and when it is issued within the 
state_entry(), all the events get delayed for the set time - once, then 
act without delay from that point. but, if it is issued from within an 
event - it will delay that event only. When the event is called again, 
it triggers the delay again. This is totally different from our handling.

Can a couple of people try the script attached to the mantis in SL and 
check me on this. Please comment on the mantis, or here and let's decide 
what we need to do with our implementation. I would like to see it 
behave as in SL (if my observations prove to be correct).


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