[Opensim-dev] Documents on avatar morphs (and IAR editor idea)

Justin Clark-Casey jjustincc at googlemail.com
Mon Jan 25 22:50:21 UTC 2010

Robert Martin wrote:
> Ive been playing around with IAR files and have figured out a few
> things (note i have figured out how the 2 files relate).
> Now i was wondering is there a complete list of which settings are
> which in the files??
> ie in a shirt export what settings are what (im going to assume that
> its just a list in the same order as in the inworld dialog but...)
> btw is anybody else doing work on documenting IAR files?

This isn't really an IAR issue per se but I'm guessing it's more to do with the format of clothing 
assets.  You might want to look at the libopenmetaverse project


which might have some code to manipulate this (I'm guessing - I've never looked myself).

> As part of my stumbling i have figured out what would be needed to
> edit an IAR file to create different version of the same item
> but i do not have even close to the needed programming skills does
> anybody want to help with the code??

Justin Clark-Casey (justincc)

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