[Opensim-dev] What server side changes will be needed for SL Viewer 2.x?

Latif Khalifa lkalif at openmv.org
Fri Feb 26 16:14:39 UTC 2010

There are two new CAPs, ObjectMedia and ObjectMediaNavigate.

ObjectMedia is used for stetting or getting the details of what media
is on what prim face.

ObjectMediaNavigate is sent by the viewer to update current URL as user browses.

Standard object update packet is used to indicate that prim has media on it.

So when viewer recieves an ObjectUpdate with MediaURL field set to
something like:


It means that it contains media version 42 (version is incremented
every time url is changed via any of the two CAPS, and the UUID is the
ID of the person who last changed it.

The viewer will then contact ObjectMedia cap asking for details about
the media on that prim.

Packet dumps at: http://openmv.pastebin.ca/1811462

So opensim needs to implement those two CAPs and store per prim media
data structure, and it needs to send ObjectUpdate with MediaURL field
set when the media is changed.

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