[Opensim-dev] Suggested in-world DNS: .sim

Dzonatas Sol dzonatas at gmail.com
Wed Feb 24 14:15:20 UTC 2010

The former TLD was ".uucp" which had no geographic location, yet it was 
a step up to at least designate the protocol and service to transfer 
files rather than just guess from a single host name.

Then came along non geographic TLDs: .com, .edu, .gov, .int, .mil, .net, 
and .org  -- and the protocol was added to propagate these with BIND, 
and later root servers, but you can still find uucp maps today.

There are more of those, and they fall under gTLDs

Geographic TLDs fall under ccTLDs, and are specifically controlled by IANA.

What I suggested above is no different then the trend to use .sim as a 
gTLD and to be protocol significant like the former .uucp domain



This kinda of layer has been predicated with IPv6 and one of the reasons 
why for IPv6.

Tedd Hansen wrote:
> Hi
> pop.domain.us
> smtp.domain.co.uk
> mail.domain.fr
> www.domain.de
> ns1.domain.es
> sql.domain.com
> domain.sim
> One doesn't fit. :)
> Currently internet is built on a system where TLD's being allocated to
> geographic/organizational relation, and subdomains are
> server(service)-specific. Even more so as they are considering adding TLD's
> for cities as well (to loosen up competition for domain names).

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