[Opensim-dev] Status of presence refactor?

Cristina Videira Lopes lopes at ics.uci.edu
Mon Feb 22 22:50:25 UTC 2010

On Feb 22, 2010, at 2:32 PM, Justin Clark-Casey wrote:
> You're right - I don't have any numbers so perhaps no-one is doing  
> that.  I took the liberty of copying this over to the users list to  
> see if any hands are raised there.
> If SQLite is just being used for single person/demonstration  
> installations then password reset sounds good enough.  I agree that  
> it's not worth wasting valuable time on a more complete solution.

There is a more complete solution:
$ cp userprofile.db auth.db
$ OpenSim.exe

This will take care of migrating both the user account data and the  
authentication data.
I just cringe at the thought of people using OpenSim+SQLite in ways  
that a simple password reset mechanism won't be enough.

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