[Opensim-dev] what are the core region modules? which are not?

Sean Dague sdague at gmail.com
Mon Feb 9 19:30:59 UTC 2009

Dahlia Trimble wrote:
> When a module moves out of core and to forge, what process would be in place
> to make sure these modules remain compatible when possibly breaking changes
> are made to core? I use the IRC module in some of my regions and I wouldn't
> want to see it broken, and I like to stay close to head in all of my regions
> so I can be more aware of how development progresses. As such I would
> potentially vote -1 on taking IRC out of core until there is some way to
> maintain functionality as core evolves.

I'm personally all for moving thinks to an Optional space, but we have
to be honest with ourselves, moving a module to the forge means that
there is a better than 50% chance it's unusable in 2 weeks time.  I
think for things we've considered "dead" that's fine, but I'd be
reluctant to push bits out that people do regularly use (like the irc
bridge).  At least until we have:

1. an easy way to build an out of core module build tree
2. network repository support for modules (ala what's in mono addins)
3. some type of versioning on module interfaces, so we can know if a
plugin thinks it can work with the current build

Otherwise we are more or less jetisoning a lot of features and reducing
the number of users that we can serve out of the box.  The same logic
that would leave these modules in the tree is the same logic that keeps
all the extra stuff in bin/, to make it easy for the new user to get

This shouldn't stop this current level of reorganization, which I think
is very useful.  But is just a warning on next steps of removing things
from the tree.


Sean Dague / Neas Bade
sdague at gmail.com

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