[Opensim-dev] physics interface / Re: OpenSim beginner question

Teravus Ovares teravus at gmail.com
Sat Dec 12 00:30:16 UTC 2009

It is a queue, so that every change to a prim doesn't have to lock the
prim.    Changes get added to a List.  The prim is locked during
Simulate and the changes are applied at that time.

Best Regards


On Fri, Dec 11, 2009 at 11:23 AM, Max 79 <emmix79 at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Thanks Dhalia for the hint, I got much deeper in OpenSim source code now,
> but I have a problem to follow the connection to ODE . What is this
> taintedPrim-flag for?....comments say it would be some kind of queue, for
> not loosing updates, while a prim is locked...but who else might lock that
> prim? I cut out and paste the particular piece of code at the end of this
> mail.
> Another thing I wonder about, where to find a function or class, that serves
> for all that synchronization stuff. I think you must use this for objects
> that are physics enabled but moved only after a collision or gravity. Those
> must also be updated in the no-physics-scene. I don`t know how to find that
> part of physics interface, can anybody help with this?
> Thanks in advance,
> Max
> public override void AddPhysicsActorTaint(PhysicsActor prim)
>        {
>                      if (prim is OdePrim)
>            {
>                OdePrim taintedprim = ((OdePrim) prim);
>                lock (_taintedPrim)
>                {
>                    if (!(_taintedPrim.Contains(taintedprim)))
>                        _taintedPrim.Add(taintedprim);                }
>          ...
> Dahlia Trimble schrieb:
> Hi Max,
> The communication with the client is mainly handled in the class
> LLClientView.cs (OpenSim\Region\ClientStack\LindenUDP\LLClientView.cs on my
> installation). It communicates with the rest of OpenSim through various
> interface classes. To make exploring the code easier, I would recommending
> opening the OpenSim solution in Visual Studio or Visual C# Express and using
> the "Go To Definition" and "Find All References" features that appear when
> right-clicking on a identifier name.
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:49 AM, Max 79 <emmix79 at googlemail.com
> <mailto:emmix79 at googlemail.com>> wrote:
>     Hi all,
>     i discovered this project last week and now i´m trying to
>     understand the the OpenSimServer. I read onlinedocs on projects
>     site, then i started to look at the source code. Now i`m searching
>     for something like the entry point of a message processing, which
>     has been send to the server. Can anybody give me a hint, which
>     class serves as communicator to the client?
>     Thanks in advance,
>     Max
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