[Opensim-dev] Mono considered harmful

Kyle create at reactiongrid.com
Fri Apr 3 15:54:16 UTC 2009

Microsoft is also supporting OpenSim though indirectly. They have offered
internal resources and have recently made some big commitments for huge
events to be hosted on ReactionGrid including their official presence there.

We are working with them on possibly adding Windows Media player to the
client along with SQL Server 2008 improvements from our internal team.  We
will be announcing some of these big projects soon along with news about 2
case studies on ReactionGrid/OpenSim that are about to be posted on their
site. We hope to get them more involved this year than ever before & both
our team and Microsoft has huge respect for what the developers have created
here using C#/.NET. Some collaboration is even forming between MS, Intel &
IBM that should help development as well.


Thanks Neb for the usually lacking opposing view. Microsoft doesn't always
make the best choices but there is a lot they do that never reaches the
press and one of those is their amazement and support of OpenSim which
should start showing better in 2009.  Again thanks to everyone for this
incredible project ReactionGrid exists due to your efforts and some great
tools by Microsoft.


Thanks again everyone for creating OpenSim-Kyle G


From: opensim-dev-bounces at lists.berlios.de
[mailto:opensim-dev-bounces at lists.berlios.de] On Behalf Of Nebadon Izumi
Sent: Friday, April 03, 2009 11:43 AM
To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Subject: Re: [Opensim-dev] Mono considered harmful


Ya its likely Microsoft probably took it further than it needed to go, but
chances are there was just no communications between the two companies, and
this is what happens when communications break down between companies,
likely there was some other reason for Microsoft and TomTom fighting and
this was just the reason they picked to bring the hammer down.   But to me
this just seems like 2 companies who had a dispute and communications simply
broke down, and Microsoft had to do what they had to do, lacking the
complete details we are all doing a bit of assuming, but in this case the
decision made was not made because of technical reasons, that we do know.
And also to say microsoft is against opensourcing in anyway is just simply
false, SuSe is virtually propped up by microsoft, microsoft has dumped
millions of dollars into SuSe and Linux development, as well as offered many
opensource portals from their website, they are very supportive of mono,
because in the end it allows microsoft products to be run in Linux, so for
microsoft to cut their linux legs off too me seems unlikely,  but you should
expect that when microsoft gets on the war path, the other party is likely
in trouble.  but seriously when it comes to terms of OpenSource promotoers
the only company i can think of that rivals microsoft in thier open source
initiatives would be IBM.   and I could be wrong but i thought at one point
microsoft was actually tinkering with OpenSim, but not really sure that
ended up.  


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