[Opensim-dev] Uris: Errors/Inconsistencies/TBD

Alan M Webb alan_webb at us.ibm.com
Tue Sep 9 12:51:55 UTC 2008


Consistency would be nice, but I think insensitivity would be better.

Can you give some specific examples, I trawled through the code but 
couldn't be sure i was finding the code you have issue with.

In the REST code in ApplicationPlugins/Rest all inbound URL's are 
canonicalized to eliminate any issues WRT trailing "/".

BTW as far as I can tell, The Uri class' ToString echoes whatever you 
provide. If you don't supply a trailing slash when the URI is
created, then ToString does not generate one.

The ABNF in RFC 3986 (URI Generic Syntax) always shows "/" as a prefixing 
notion - conversely, many of their textual examples indicate that a 
trailing "/" is perfectly valid. I think this is an area where human 
interaction will always produce either, and REST is certanly not limited 
to machine-to-machine communications, so I do think we need to code this 
is in a way that says it doesn't matter.

Best regards
T.J. Watson Research Center, Hawthorne, NY
alan_webb at us.ibm.com

Stefan Andersson <stefan at tribalmedia.se> 
Sent by: opensim-dev-bounces at lists.berlios.de
09/09/2008 04:20 AM
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opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de

<opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de>

[Opensim-dev] Uris: Errors/Inconsistencies/TBD

Just a quick one,
I don't have time to fix this up, and I guess we should discuss it first;
the issue is that parts of the code presumes url segments _ends_ with '/' 
and others they _begin_ with '/'
this leads to heavy confusion and easily done mistakes
now, the Uri class (which, together with UriBuilder, is poorly underused) 
ToString _appends_ an '/'
which I consider the proper behaviour: all segments appends an '/' to show 
they represent a hierarchy node.
I've already made the inventoryUrl wrapping an Uri to safeguard against 
missing trailing '/' in the ini, which is/was one of our most common 
mistakes, it seems. (and a bloody easy one at that)
Now, for example, the REST code, presumes the opposite
which means we can't combine the output of a Uri with the output from the 
So I can't wrap the asset url the same way.
Which sucks.
Either way, I suggest we use postfix notation in accordance with Uri class 
standard, but most of all I would want us to harmonize on one or the 
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