[Opensim-dev] Packet Handling Progress

Michael Wright michaelwri22 at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Mar 18 14:53:02 UTC 2008

we aren't going to have to implement all those packets, as some are related to how linden labs do backend server to server comms. Although of course there are some that we should be but still aren't handling. But I think we handle most of the important ones. Its most likely more important at this stage, to start to seriously think about how we are going to properly handle CAPS. As more and more features are moving to using that system.

Charles Krinke <cfk at pacbell.net> wrote: Moving forward, I look through the libsecondlife packet handling code with attention to the message_template.txt file. This is the file where all the packets are defined that the sim needs to process and return to the client.

I believe we have implemented 150 or so of the 450 or so defined. I would like to encourage a few folks to look at libsecondlife where these various packets are defined and see if they can work out how to flesh them out from the sim viewpoint to help us move along.


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