[Opensim-dev] Proposal to eliminate the name, description and invType fields from the assets db table

Melanie melanie at t-data.com
Mon Jun 23 19:12:46 UTC 2008


Sean Dague wrote:
> I don't understand how your approach deals with sniffing the wire or the
> cache, finding the asset UUID, and just embedding that in you items or
> scripts.

It doesn't. Because that approach is not enjoying blanket coverage 
in the DMCA. Means, in the case of UUID sniffing, each _item_ is a 
separate violation, subject to a separate takedown order. Yes, one 
per prim!

If the texture is re-uploaded, blanket protection applies.

The law isn't always common sense - in fact, it mostly diverges from 
common sense!

> Anyway, it's a little moot for right now, as the current system is
> there.  But I really think the way forward involves us using a hashing
> strategy.  Once we dig in there, we'll see how hard it would be to make
> UUID generation runtime configurable.  And keep this in mind.

I'm happy if that concern is not forgotten. That is all I wanted, 
recognition of this as a valid concern, so no decisions are made 
that could ultimately lead to an entire grid being judicially shut down.


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