Terry F. terry at usfastweb.com
Tue Jun 17 02:23:42 UTC 2008

Hi all,

I'm not sure how I've done this... but I think I may have stumbled onto 
something, although I'm not sure if it is a good thing or a bad thing 
but I am excited!

I have "ACCIDENTALLY" teleported from one grid to another.
Has anyone made any recent changes to move the code towards this 

I have a grid setup on my local network which is configured with only 
"LOCAL" ip addresses "AND" I have a completely separate grid which is 
accessible via the internet.

I use the "Local" grid for testing while the internet based grid is for 
the public.
These setups are completely isolated from each other.

The only things the "Local" grid shares with the Internet based grid is:
 - "SOME" of the region files but these have been changed to reflect 
only local ip addresses
 - Database info (a dump from the internet based grid was uploaded to a 
local machine)

After starting up each "LOCAL" console and manually configuring each for 
use on the local grid (local MySQL and local ip addresses only) I logged 
in but noticed that the map was showing some of the regions which I had 
intentionally omitted from my local setup. 
I thought this must be because the region info, etc from my "Internet 
DUMP" which I uploaded to my local database was still showing.
Just to see what would happen... I double clicked on one of the omitted, 
but still visible regions and to my surprise... I arrived in that region 
with a message saying that this simulator was running a diff. version.

Confused... wondering how I was in a region that did not exist locally I 
started to investigate.
I was on my Internet based grid!!

How in the world did that happen??  It was a smooth teleport ... maybe a 
second or 2 longer than I expected but I was on my internet based grid 
now instead of my local grid.
To prove to myself this is what happened, I logged into my internet 
based grid with another av and sure enough there I was!!
I logged out of the "NET" based grid and logged into my local grid with 
the other av.... where my first av was no where to be found.
I checked the map.... seen the "GHOST" regions... double-clicked on one 
of them and "POOF" I was on the "NET" based grid with my other av!
Both grids have their own UGAIM servers, but I apparently "SNUCK" right 
through them!

Not sure if this is significant, but it was rather amusing, confusing, 
and exciting all at the same time!
I will try to find out if this will work "NET" grid to "NET" grid next!


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