[Opensim-dev] Making LSL Functions moduled.

Stefan Andersson stefan at tribalmedia.se
Thu Jan 3 09:31:58 UTC 2008

Well, if we are going to expand on the lsl, why not go the whole nine yards and create a 'OSSL'?
OSSL typically should be turned on by some directive ('using OSSL;'?) and would mean that you're leaving the LL-compliant code space.
I definitively suggest that this OSSL would make use of the fact that it's actually bastardized c# we're transforming it into; hence, we can allow for object orientation.
I suggest we allow for constructs like
if( host.Position.X > 4 )
where 'host' is a predefined backend field pointing to the IScriptHost
llSay( 0, owner.FullName )
where 'owner' is the backend field pointing to a IUserProfile object for the owner
instead of adding functions, functions, functions, we'll just expose objects (or not, depending on permissions)
this could mean, for example, that there is a 'region' object that has stuff like
region.Shutdown( nice, seconds ) that returns true or false depending on whether it succeded.
also, you'd have
region = grid.FindRegion( 'Home' );
you see that if we would expose this kind of functionality as flat functions, they would be many and crippled in deed.
Either way, I DEFINITIVELY think we should make a clear cut between ll-compliant code space and the 'extended' code space. You'll thank me later.
And, +1 on the module thingy. The backend class is getting a fierce beast rapidly.

> Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2008 14:14:56 +0800> From: adam at gwala.net> To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de> Subject: [Opensim-dev] Making LSL Functions moduled.> > I'm beggining to see a lot of interest in people adding custom LSL > functions -- it's a great idea, but I suspect we will be running into > the situation soon where it would be better if we could abstract these, > and then load them from assemblies.> > Eg, someone suggested adding XMPP functions, and I've been thinking of > adding a MySQL.NET wrapper - both prime candidates for being loaded from > a module rather than embedded into OpenSim's .NET script engine.> > Anyone got an indication on how long that would take to change?> > Regards,> > Adam> _______________________________________________> Opensim-dev mailing list> Opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de> https://lists.berlios.de/mailman/listinfo/opensim-dev
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