[Opensim-dev] Groups and using our sims more

Toni Alatalo antont at kyperjokki.fi
Mon Dec 22 14:35:22 UTC 2008

James Stallings II kirjoitti:
> The flexibility of this architecture certainly has some weighty merits 
> - I suspect it would lend itself to being implemented in a region 
> module, which IMNSHO is a big strength.

+1 on messaging being a module, if it indeed seems sensible.

and definitely +1 on using something existing for it, i think that 
aligns with the Realxtend goals too.

XMPP may well be it, i think i +1 'd it also previous time when some 
(student project?) asked on this list whether they should do it :)

while looking at SIP too, there's reason to believe that XMPP may be the 
relevant one. and of course making it modular gives the freedom to run 

> James

especially when described as:

>     I second this. From what I understand, XMPP is optimized to deliver
>     small snippets of information, any information, to many concurrent
>     users effectively.

that is sort of what was / is the interesting part of SIP too, and if 
XMPP works simpler (and even better?) for it, sounds great. i suppose 
around XMPP there are nowadays the similar mechanisms for 
from/to-behind-NAT traversal etc. that there are for SIP (i mean the 
srtp relay somethings).

>     XMPP's got that solved with its decentralized servers.

haven't looked at XMPP in a long time in detail, but was following the 
early developments as was interested in irc etc. at the time, and trust 
that the wisdom has carried over from ppl who started having probs with 
irc when user levels reached >100'000 in a network or so, and from 
anyone else doing that work. haven't seen much jabber addresses of 
people though, but i guess that's another story, like said haven't 
followed now.

one thing i've found peculiar regarding xmpp/sip and friends is the 
presence information, 'cause virtual worlds seem to be a lot about that 
(the difference to the current web is user presence, basically). the 
specs may even talk of avatars etc. so interesting to see how the design 
will eventually form..


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