[Opensim-dev] future rexviewer merger

Michael Wright michaelwri22 at yahoo.co.uk
Sun Dec 7 13:07:49 UTC 2008

Yeah I haven't looked too deeply into using either of those, because the windows versions just aren't very well developed. I know lots of people/blogs have said how hard it is to get anything for them working on windows.

And the general opinion seems to be that on any platform, you have to devote a lot of time just to be able to start using the system. Which most people just don't have the time for.

So really I think until those tools are more developed and more user friendly on all platforms, that we are stuck with SVN.

"Frisby, Adam" <adam at deepthink.com.au> wrote:                          I *wish* I could say that OpenSim's core dev team is getting the message about the toolchains - this is something that hobbles many innovators. Some have quietly adopted these newer toolchains for themselves, but much of the benefits of this are lost because core still sits in an SVN repo (yes, I am aware that Hg and GIT can work with SVN repos, but to do things this way rather dilutes their strengths).
  GIT/Mercurial have completely retarded clients for platforms-other-than-linux. The windows version for instance is commandline-only which does not work anywhere near as efficiently as TortoiseSVN/etc. (I am aware TortoiseHg/TortoiseGit do exist – but they are in very very very alpha stage).
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