[Opensim-dev] EstablishAgentCommunication

Dr Scofield DrScofield at xyzzyxyzzy.net
Thu Dec 4 10:41:35 UTC 2008

Cristina Videira Lopes wrote:
> In conversation with jhurliman tonight, it seems that there is a whole 
> piece of client/server protocol that's not implemented in opensim. That 
> is EstablishAgentCommunication, which activates CAPS and the EQ in child 
> agents. jhurliman made a picture:
> http://opensimulator.org/wiki/Image:Child-event-queue.png
> Does anyone know anything about this? And what is the context for it 
> being missing?
> I've started implementing it, but was blocked for lack of understanding 
> of what CAPS seed represents in opensim. According to jhurliman, all 
> regions must have their own different seeds, but I'm having a hard time 
> seeing that in the code. Any hints?

default CAPs are done in Scene.AddCapsHandler(UUID) which also triggers an
OnRegisterCaps event via the EventManager (so that region modules can add
specific caps; for example, the voice region module will add voice specific CAPs).


dr dirk husemann ---- virtual worlds research ---- ibm zurich research lab
SL: dr scofield ---- drscofield at xyzzyxyzzy.net ---- http://xyzzyxyzzy.net/
RL: hud at zurich.ibm.com - +41 44 724 8573 - http://www.zurich.ibm.com/~hud/

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