[Opensim-dev] how many users is too many?

Charles Krinke cfk at pacbell.net
Tue Sep 25 14:41:06 UTC 2007

Jeff. We dont yet know how many avatars can simultaneously be in a sim. The 20 number is based solely on the number that could be gathered at a specific time on a specific day. It took a week to get everybody together at 10AM on Saturday a week or so ago. Perhaps you can encourage the next one and help get more then 20, that would be awesome.

On a technical basis, we did seem to have some clients dropping off on the standalone sim that was being used. It is tough to tell yet if these were internet issues, server os issues or sim issues.

But, I suspect it would be to our advantage to keep pushing this as we can gather simultaneously on one or another sim on a regular basis. It has been suggested that aiming for Saturdays at 10AM PDT (1700UTC) is a reasonable goal. Lets try to do this again and perhaps some sort of regular in-world meeting or stress tests may come out of it.


----- Original Message ----
From: Jeff Ames <jeffames at gmail.com>
To: opensim-dev at lists.berlios.de
Sent: Tuesday, September 25, 2007 3:14:00 AM
Subject: [Opensim-dev] how many users is too many?

I've heard that OpenSim has supported around 20 or so users online
simultaneously before, although I don't know if that's really an upper
limit, or just how many people happened to be around.  But I was
wondering what it would take to push that up to, say, 100 or so.
(More would be great, of course, but at some point the client would
probably break down and revert to text adventure mode.)

Is there a known bottleneck server-side, like handling incoming
requests fast enough to avoid resent packets, bandwidth to maintain a
connection, calculating all the avatar-avatar physics, memory for
avatar state, speed of database access, etc.?

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